Online teaching in electrical engineering
The HWR Berlin supports students from Ukrainian universities with online courses in electrical engineering. The offer is aimed in particular at students in Ukraine.

The HWR Berlin was one of the first German universities to provide support services for Ukrainian students in Germany. This is now being followed by a DAAD-funded programme "Electrical Engineering Subjects for Ukrainian Universities" for students in Ukraine.
Due to the current war situation, most Ukrainian universities are short of teaching staff, including the HWR Berlin partner universities National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" (ZPNU), Odessа Polytechnic National University (ONPU) and Cherkasy State Technological University (CHSTU). Furthermore, a part of the students is on the run at home and abroad, another part is in occupied areas of Ukraine. Unfortunately, it is not safe for students who remain at their university to attend university because of the ongoing war.
In order to continue teaching all groups of students, online teaching is indispensable. For this reason, the current teaching needs in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes were determined with the partner universities. At the request of ZPNU and ONPU, special attention is being paid to energy efficiency in drive technology in the teaching. The relevant courses will be offered online by Professor Dr.-Ing. Juriy Plotkin (HWR Berlin) as well as Ukrainian professors who are on the run.
The courses will also be made available to all other Ukrainian universities. For example, the subject "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering" would be relevant in many other fields (mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, energy and process engineering and many others).
The teaching will be in Ukrainian, although Prof. Plotkin will also teach the technical vocabulary on relevant topics in German and English. The teaching materials translated into Ukrainian will be given to the Ukrainian universities for further use in teaching after the project is completed.
Scholarships will be awarded to Ukrainian students who are internally displaced or have found themselves in an emergency situation due to the war; selection will be based on social criteria and academic success. Nine scholarships of 800 euros each will be awarded per partner university. Interested students should contact their Ukrainian home universities.