Die Welt zu Gast am Campus Lichtenberg
Der Campus Lichtenberg der HWR Berlin füllt sich wieder mit Leben. Hierzu gehören auch 22 Gaststudierende, die im Sommersemester an den Fachbereichen Allgemeine Verwaltung und Rechtspflege studieren.

Sie kommen dieses Semester aus neun verschiedenen Ländern: Brasilien, Frankreich, Georgien, Griechenland, Indien, den Niederlanden, der Russischen Föderation, dem Vereinigten Königreich, und der Türkei.
Daheim studieren sie Studiengänge wie Public and Municipal Administration, Law, International and EU Law, European Studies, State Administration, Public Administration, International Relations, Social Sciences, Safety and Security Management.
„I like about the HWR Berlin that the classes are so small and interactive. We have the chance to talk to each other and communicate more which is so different to my greek classes that are just lectures, and there are so many people in one class“ – (Sonia, Greece)
„I decided to come to HWR Berlin because the city of Berlin is totally unique and one that is completely different to my home town. The experiences that you can get from the city are ones that will stay with you for life. My mother being German also made me want to experience her background and culture, the courses offered by HWR Berlin enabled me to do this as they were not only interesting but relevant to Germany itself.“ – (Henry, UK)
„I chose the HWR Berlin because I had German classes back home and I always liked Germany.“ – (Sonia, Greece)
Wir wünschen allen Gaststudierenden ein erfolgreiches Sommersemester.
Studierende der HWR Berlin, die sich zum Thema Auslandsstudium informieren möchten, sind herzlich zum Internationalen Tag am Campus Lichtenberg am Montag, den 16. Mai 2022, eingeladen.
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