Prof. Dr. Alexander Tsipoulanidis
FB 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Professur für Supply Chain und Operations Management

+49 30 30877-1464
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin
Campus Schöneberg
Haus B,
B 3.03
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 Berlin
Studium der Ingenieurwissenschaft, Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau, Fachrichtung Materialfluss- und Fabrikplanung
Studium des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens, Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau, Fachrichtung Logistik / Supply Chain Management
Studium zum Master of Business Administration (MBA), Schwerpunkt Strategic Management
Promotion (Dr. / PhD), Schwerpunkt Ingenieurwesen, Fachrichtung Lean Production und Lean Development
Forschungsprojekt MontLoWe: Montagegesteuerte, integrierte Logistik- und Wertschöpfungsketten
Nahezu 20 Jahre für namhafte internationale Unternehmen tätig, verschiedene Management - Positionen in Produktionsstandorten, als Inhouse-Consultant bzw. Führungspositionen in den Konzernzentralen.
Aufgaben u. a.: Kapazitätsmanagement des europäischen Produktionsnetzwerkes, Planung neuer Fabriken in Europa und Asien, die Umplanung von Fabrikanlagen in Europa und Nordamerika bzw. die Optimierung von Fabriken im internationalen Umfeld.
In der Position des „Director Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing & Logistics, Group Operations”: Teamleitung für die Umsetzung des Lean Operations Systems, Durchführung von “Lean Operations Assessments” in verschiedenen Produktionsstandorten und Entwicklung von Site Continuous Improvement Plans / kontinuierliche Verbesserungspläne für die Standorte.
Durchführung von “Supply Chain Gap Analyses” und Implementierung der abgeleiteten Supply Chain und Operations Strategien.
Erarbeitung von lean-orientierten Produktentwicklungsprozessen / Lean Development und Projektmanager im Bereich des CTO während einer globalen Restrukturierungsinitiative, um das entsprechende Unternehmen “lean, efficient, attractive and profitable“ zu machen.
Supply Chain and Operations Management (SCOM) & Consulting
Lean Management / Operational Excellence
SCOM & Digital Transformation
Industrie 4.0 / Internet of Things & Services
Materialfluss-, Fabrikplanung und Fabrikbetrieb
“Operations Management” / „Advanced Operations Management“
“Production and Supply Management”
“Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Information Technology”
“International Supply Chain and Operations Management (SCOM) and Consulting”
“Selected Current Topics in SCM: Industry 4.0 and Lean Operations at Times of the Digital Transformation”
„Lean Management zu Zeiten der digitalen Transformation“ / „Leandustry 4.0“
„Lean Production, Lean Leadership & Operational Excellence“
„Development of green and lean Supply Chain Management at times of the digital transformation” / „Grean SCM“
„Smart Global Supply Chain Solutions“ – Supply Chain Management at times of the digital transformation” / „Smart SCM“
Seit 2009 nahezu 200 Abschluss- und Forschungsarbeiten meist in Kooperation mit namhaften und internationalen Industrieunternehmen, um die Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung zu unterfüttern
Lean Production & Value Creation / Operational Excellence / Lean Leadership
Fabrikplanung (Neuplanung / Umplanung / Ergänzungen) / Layout-Planungen und Verbesserungen
Effiziente Liefer- und Wertschöpfungsketten mit Fokus auf verschwendungsfreien Logistik- und Produktionsprozessen
Supply Chain Gap Analyses & SCM Improvement Strategies
International Capacity Management
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2024), Lean, Green & Digital and the need for cross-functional collaboration – Requirements when heading from Industry 4.0 towards Industry 5.0, 12th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2024, Heraklion, Crete, 10 - 12 July 2024, p. 1-15, ISSN: 3057-4234
Tsipoulanidis, A. / Nanos, I. (2023), Supply Chains and Operations based on Lean Thinking and Industry 5.0 - The Success Factors for the 8Ps in Marketing?, 11th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2023, 12 - 14 July 2023, p. 431 - 439, ISBN: 978-960-243-740-7
Geropoulos, A. D. / Nanos, I. / Kotzaivazoglou, I. / Tsipoulanidis, A. (2023), Exploring Consumers’ Perceptions about Traceability in the Food Supply Chain, 11th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2023, 12 - 14 July 2023, p. 440 - 442, ISBN: 978-960-243-740-7
Tsipoulanidis, A. / Nanos, I. (2022), Contemporary Potentials and Challenges of Digital Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Marketing (IJITM) 2022, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2241003 (14 pages), ISSN (print): 0219-8770; ISSN (online): 1793-6950
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2022), Using Lean Thinking and Industry 5.0 to create Customer Value and to deliver Customer Satisfaction efficiently, 10th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2022, 8 – 10 July 2022, p. 406 - 416, ISBN: : 978-960-243-730-8
Nanos, I. / Tsipoulanidis, A. (2022), Innovative Technologies in the Era of Digital Marketing and E-Commerce, Special Issue of the International Journal of Technology Marketing 2022, Vol. 16, No.1/2 (Guest Editors), Inderscience Publishers Switzerland, ISSN 1741-878X (print); ISSN 1741-8798 (online)
Ivanov, D./ Tsipoulanidis, A./ Schönberger, J. (2021), Global Supply Chain and Operations Management - A Decision-Oriented Introduction to the Creation of Value, 3rd Edition, Springer Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-72331-6
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2021), How can Lean Sourcing Processes and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as a new digital technology in SCM support the objectives of Marketing to fulfil customer demands efficiently?, 9th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2021, 3 - 5 September 2021, p. 245 – 256, ISBN: : 978-618-5630-00-3
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2020), Potentials and Use Cases of Digital Lean Supply Chain and Operations Management, 8th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2020, 11-13 September 2020, virtual conference, p. 346 – 364, ISBN: 978-618-84798-6-9
Senger, E., Knotte, D., Tsipoulanidis, A. (2020), Operational Excellence in Ihrem Purchase- to-Pay Prozess. Ein Guide zur Realisierung von Potenzialen im operativen Einkauf, Capgemini Invent Publikation
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2020), Digital & Lean, così la Supply Chain diventa più efficiente, Logistica Management Magazine, Ottobre 2020, p. 86 – 93, TeMi Editrice, Monza (Italia)
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2019), Digital and Lean Solutions in Supply Chain and Operations Management for Excellent Value Creation Processes from Company to Customer, 7th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2019, 10-12 July 2019, Heraklion, Greece, p. 302 – 315, ISBN: 978-618-80440-5-0
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2018), Digital Lean Thinking - Excellent Value Creation Processes from Company to Customer at Times of the Digital Transformation, 6th International Conference Proceedings. Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2018, 27-29 June 2018 Athens, Greece, p. 486 – 502, ISBN: 978-960-287-158-4
Ivanov, D./ Tsipoulanidis, A./ Schönberger, J. (2018), Global Supply Chain and Operations Management - A Decision-Oriented Introduction to the Creation of Value, 2nd Edition, Springer Publishing, ISBN: 978-331-994-312-1
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2017). Leandustry 4.0 - The efficient way from company to customer at times of the digital transformation - How Lean Thinking is leading to smart Supply Chain Management and Operational Excellence. Conference Proceedings. 5th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2017, 21-23 June 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. GR - Thessaloniki: ICCMI. S. 622 – 633, ISBN: 978-960-287-156-0
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2017), With Lean Thinking and Industry 4.0 to Operational Excellence, Supply Chain Management SCM Journal, III/2017, S. 13 – 19, ISSN 1618 - 1956
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2017), „Frischzellen“-Projekt zur Förderung neuer Lehr- und Lernformen - Innovation der Hochschullehre durch Teamteaching, Die Neue Hochschule DNH 2017-4, S. 16 – 19, ISSN 0340-448 x
Ivanov, D./ Tsipoulanidis, A./ Schönberger, J. (2016), Global Supply Chain and Operations Management A Decision-Oriented Introduction to the Creation of Value
Kiehne, B./ Tsipoulanidis, A. (2016), Lernen durch Perspektivübernahme - Berufskompetenzen im Supply Chain und Operations Management entwickeln
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2015), Von Lean Thinking zu Supply Chain & Operational Excellence durch die digitale Transformation
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2014), Uni meets Industry - „Grean” Supply Chain Management Consulting
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2010), Lean Thinking in Non-Production Processes - assessment of the prerequisites for the successful transfer of lean manufacturing principles into the domain of product development
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2021), Digital Technology for the Efficient Supply Chain from Company to Customer (B2B / B2C), Guest lecture at the International Hellenic University (IHU), MBA - Module: International B2B Marketing and International SCM, 9. April, 2021
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2021), Ideas how to find the Right Combination of Processes, Appropriate Digital Solutions and Promising Human Strategies, Keynote speech at the Marcus Evans Conference: Advancing S&OP to Integrated Business Planning - Make the most of your S&OP capabilities to align your business processes in times of unprecedented risk and opportunity, 10. – 11. June 2021
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2019), Developing New Supply Chain Talent and Competence for a Digital Future: Skillsets and Digital Competencies, SCi Supply Chain Industry Week 2019 Conference, 20th – 22nd May 2019, Berlin
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2019), Digital Lean Thinking - Pathways to Supply Chain Excellence at Times of Digital Transformation, Keynote speech at the Marcus Evans Conference: Digital Supply Chain Transformation: From Hype to Reality, Berlin, 23. – 25. January 2019
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2018), Digital Lean Thinking - Lean and Operational Excellence at Times of the Digital Transformation, Supply Chain and Logistics (SCL) Talk Conference / Global Manufacturing Strategies Conference, Berlin, 23. - 24. October 2018
Tsipoulanidis, A. (2018), Lean Management - am Beispiel der Erstellung eines Online-Artikels, Fachvortrag beim Treffen des BME (Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik) Region Berlin-Brandenburg 17.10.2017: