Gender in research and education
POLITEIA prize for works of students and graduates of the HWR Berlin
The aim of the POLITEIA prize is to honour written works on issues of women’s and gender studies by students and graduates from all fields of study at the HWR Berlin. Outstanding term papers, project papers and final theses are awarded.
The POLITEIA-prize of 1.000 Euros and up to three POLITEIA-medals of 400 Euros each are awarded annually. The Instrument promotes the establishing of women’s and gender studies.
Application process:
Please submit your application including:
- Completed application form
- Short synopsis of the work (see application form for details)
- the paper itself
- Price-related expert opinion by a lecturer
- Personal details
Harriet Taylor Mill Institute for Economics and Gender Studies (HTMI)
Many academic activities, focussing on gender relations in law, justice and administration, are bundled at the Harriet Taylor Mill Institute for Economics and Gender Studies at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HTMI of the HWR Berlin).