HWR Berlin: Contacts from A to Z

Whether professor, guest lecturer, lecturer or staff member − are you looking for the contact details of a specific person at HWR Berlin? In this alphabetical overview you will quickly find what you are looking for.



Surname, Title Name
Professor of Business Administration, Management and Organisation
Schöneberg Campus
T +49 30 30877-1488
E martina.eberl@hwr-berlin.de
Research advisor
Schöneberg Campus
T +49 30 30877-1567
E michael.ebert@hwr-berlin.de
ERASMUS+ Grant Administration
Schöneberg Campus
T +49 30 30877-1153
E sara.eftekhari@hwr-berlin.de
Professor of General Sociology, Sociology of Organization, Empirical Social Research
Lichtenberg Campus
T +49-30-30877-2675
E marianne.egger@hwr-berlin.de
Professor of Business Information Systems
Schöneberg Campus
T +49-30-30877-1506
E sandy.eggert@hwr-berlin.de
Program Coordination Berlin MBA Full-Time
Schöneberg Campus
T +49 30 30877-1598
E bps-mbafull@hwr-berlin.de
Social media consultant
Schöneberg Campus
T +49-30-30877-1478
E socialmediaredaktion@hwr-berlin.de
Professur für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Logistik
Lichtenberg Campus
T +49 30 30877-2439
E elmar.erkens@hwr-berlin.de
Lichtenberg Campus
E pruefungsamt-lichtenberg@hwr-berlin.de
Lichtenberg Campus
E fb3-pruefungsbuero@hwr-berlin.de