Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling

FB 5 Polizei und Sicherheitsmanagement

Professur für Risiko-, Krisen- und Konfliktmanagement

Prof. Dr. Janpeter Schilling

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60

10315 Berlin

Campus Lichtenberg
Haus 1, Raum 1.1049
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin

Seit 10/2023 Professor für Risiko-, Krisen- und Konfliktmanagement an der HWR Berlin

10/2016 – 09/2023 Klaus Töpfer Stiftungs.- Jun. Prof. für Landnutzungskonflikte an der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)

05/2019 – 09/2023 Wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, RPTU

03/2023 – 07/2023 Geschäftsführer der Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, RPTU

11/2022 Habilitation in Geographie an der RPTU

01/2015 – 09/2016 Post-Doktorand an der Universität Hamburg

12/2014 – 01/2015 Lehrbeauftragter an der Alice Salomon Hochschule, Berlin

05/2013 – 05/2014 Projektmitarbeiter bei International Alert, London

08/2012 – 07/2013 Post-Doktorand an der Colgate University, New York

08/2009 – 07/2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand an der Universität Hamburg

10/2002 – 04/2009 Diplomstudium Geographie an der Universität Hamburg

10/2002 – 04/2009 Diplom in Geographie (Note: sehr gut)

Environment and Security

Land als Konfliktressource und Sicherheitsrisiko

Grundlagen der Soziologie

Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens

Thesis Colloquium


PRODIGY: Process-based & Resilience-Oriented management of DIversity Generates sustainability. Funktion: Leiter der Konfliktstudien in Bolivien, Brasilien und Peru. Geldgeber: BMBF. Laufzeit: 2019-2025. 

SALIDRAA 2: "Salt in the System": Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Water Management in the Draa Catchment of Morocco. Funktion: Leiter der Konfliktstudien. Geldgeber: BMBF. Laufzeit: 2019-2024. 

Exploring the Nexus of Oil, Conflict and Climate Change in North-west Kenya. Funktion: Projektleiter. Geldgeber: National Geographic Society. Laufzeit: 2016-2019. 

Transforming Conflict-Economies: Natural Resource Security and Human Security. Funktion: (zeitweise) Projektleitung. Geldgeber: Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Laufzeit: 2018-2020. 

Urban Africa - Risk and Knowledge (Urban ARK). Funktion: Entwicklung des Antrags für International Alert und Leitung der Feldstudie in Kenia. Geldgeber: UK Department for International Development. Laufzeit: 2015-2019. 

G7 Climate Security Knowledge Platform and Study. Funktion: Projektmitarbeiter. Geldgeber: Außenminister der G7-Staaten. Laufzeit: 2014-2015. 

Forschungszusammenarbeit und Konferenz zu ‘Climate Change and Human Security’. Funktion: Antragsschreiber und Projektmitarbeiter. Geldgeber: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). Laufzeit: 2014-2015. 


Risiko- und Krisenmanagement



Schilling, Janpeter; Werland, Luise (2023): Facing Old and New Risks in Arid Environments: The Case of Pastoral Communities in Northern Kenya. In: PLOS Climate. Bd. 2 Nr. 7. S. 1-16.

Froese, Rebecca; Andrino, Alberto; Giudice, Renzo; Stuch, Benjamin; Kilian Salas, Simone; Böhner, Jürgen; Boy, Diana; Boy, Jens; Brown, Foster; Díaz García, Elisa; Figueroa, Diana; Frör, Oliver; Guggenberger, Georg; Horn, Markus A.; Hasson, Shabeh ul; Jung, Christopher; Lagneaux, Elisabeth G.; Meurer, Katharina H. E.; Pinzón Cuellar, Claudia; Schaldach, Rüdiger; Cerruto Ribeiro, Sabina; Schilling, Janpeter; Schmidt, Fernando A.; Schönenberg, Regine; Selaya, Galia; Vega, Claudia M.; Vetter, Vanessa M. S.; Villavicenio, Miguel; Callo-Concha, Daniel; Jansen, Merel; Jungkunst, Hermann F. (2023): Describing Complex Interactions of Social-ecological Systems for Tipping Point Assessments: An Analytical Framework. In: Frontiers in Climate. Bd. 5. S. 1-16.

Weiß, Sören Bo; Schilling, Janpeter; Frör, Oliver (2023): The Role of Project Components for the Acceptance of an Inner City River Restoration Project in Bad Bergzabern, Germany. In: Water Policy. Bd. 25 Nr. 6. S. 582-596.


Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter; Pinzón, Claudia; Schönenberg, Regine (2022): Between Cooperation and Conflict: A Social-Ecological Perspective on the Impacts of COVID-19 in South-western Amazonia. In: Die Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization. Bd. 95. S. 67-88.

Silva-Novoa Sanchez, Luis Miguel; Bossenbroek, Lisa; Schilling, Janpeter; Berger, Elisabeth (2022): Governance and Sustainability Challenges in the Water Policy of Morocco 1995–2020: Insights from the Middle Draa Valley. In: Water. Bd. 14. Nr. 18. S. 2932.

Froese, Rebecca; Pinzón, Claudia; Aceitón, Loreto; Argentim, Tarik; Arteaga, Marliz; Navas-Guzmán, Juan Sebastian; Pismel, Gleiciane; Scherer, Sophia Florence; Reutter, Jannis; Schilling, Janpeter; Schönenberg, Regine (2022): Conflicts over Land as a Risk for Social-Ecological Resilience: A Transnational Comparative Analysis in the Southwestern Amazon. In: Sustainability. Bd. 14. Nr. 11.


Hussak, Melanie; Zeigermann, Ulrike; Schilling, Janpeter; Reiter, Anna (2021): Integration concepts in German cities: How can they contribute to Shared Societies?. In: Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Bd. 39. Nr. 2. S. 115-138.

Alusiola, Rowan Alumasa; Schilling, Janpeter; Klär, Paul (2021): REDD+ Conflict: Understanding the Pathways Between Forest Projects and Social Conflict. In: Forests. Bd. 12. Nr. 6.

Schilling, Janpeter; Schilling-Vacaflor, Almut; Flemmer, Riccarda; Froese, Rebecca (2021): A Political Ecology Perspective on Resource Extraction and Human Security in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru. In: The Extractive Industries and Society. Nr. 8.

Kamta, Frederic Noel; Schilling, Janpeter; Scheffran, Jürgen (2021): Water Resources, Forced Migration and Tensions with Host Communities in the Nigerian Part of the Lake Chad Basin. In: Resources. Bd. 10. Nr. 4. S. 1-14.

Schilling, Janpeter; Werland, Luise (2021): 10 Jahre Arabischer Frühling - Wo steht Nordafrika heute?. In: Geographische Rundschau. Nr. 11. S. 10-14.

Schilling, Janpeter; Hertig, Elke; Tramblay, Yves; Scheffran, Jürgen (2020): Climate Change Vulnerability, Water Resources and Social Implications in North Africa. In: Regional Environmental Change. Bd. 20. Nr. 15.

Kamta, Frederic Noel; Schilling, Janpeter; Scheffran, Jürgen (2020): Insecurity, Resource Scarcity, and Migration to Camps of Internally Displaced Persons in Northeast Nigeria. In: Sustainability. Bd. 12. Nr. 17.

Schilling, Janpeter (2020): Brennpunkt Nordwestkenia - Zwischen Klimawandel, Konflikten, Öl und Wind. In: Wissenschaft & Frieden. Nr. 2020-04.


Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter (2019): The Nexus of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflicts. In: Current Climate Change Reports. Bd. 5. S. 24-35.


Schilling, Janpeter; Locham, Raphael; Scheffran, Jürgen (2018): A Local to Global Perspective on Oil and Wind Exploitation, Resource Governance and Conflict in Northern Kenya. In: Conflict, Security and Development. Bd. 18. Nr. 6. S. 571-600.

Seter, Hanne; Theisen, Ole Magnus; Schilling, Janpeter (2018): All About Water and Land? Resource-Related Conflicts in East and West Africa Revisited. In: GeoJournal. Bd. 83. S. 169-187.

Schilling, Janpeter; Saulich, Christina; Engwicht, Nina (2018): A Local to Global Perspective on Resource Governance and Conflict. In: Conflict, Security & Development. Bd. 18. Nr. 6. S. 433-461.


Mitra, Shreya; Mulligan, Joe; Schilling, Janpeter; Harper, Jamilla; Vivekananda, Janani; Krause, Lisa (2017): Developing Risk or Resilience? Effects of Slum Upgrading on the Social Contract and Social Cohesion in Kibera, Nairobi. In: Environment and Urbanization. Bd. 29. Nr. 1. S. 103-122.

Schilling, Janpeter; Nash, Sarah Louise; Ide, Tobias; Froese, Rebecca; Scheffran, Jürgen; von Prondzinski, Pina (2017): Resilience and Environmental Security: Towards Joint Application in Peacebuilding. In: Global Change, Peace & Security. Bd. 29. Nr. 2. S. 107-127.


Alamgir, Aamir; Khan, Moazzam Ali; Schilling, Janpeter; Shaukat, S. Shahid; Shahab, Shoaib (2016): Assessment of Groundwater Quality in the Coastal Area of Sindh Province, Pakistan. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Bd. 188. Nr. 78.

Abid, Muhammad; Schilling, Janpeter; Scheffran, Jürgen; Zulfiqar, Farhad (2016): Climate Change Vulnerability, Adaptation and Risk Perceptions at Farm Level in Punjab, Pakistan. In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 547. S. 447-460.

Schilling, Janpeter; Weinzierl, Thomas; Lokwang, Augustine Ekitela; Opiyo, Francis (2016): For Better or Worse: Major Developments Affecting Resource and Conflict Dynamics in Northwest Kenya. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie. Bd. 60. Nr. 1-2. S. 57-71.


Opiyo, Francis; Wasonga, Oliver; Nyangito, Moses; Schilling, Janpeter; Munang, Richard (2015): Drought Adaptation and Coping Strategies Among the Turkana Pastoralists of Northern Kenya. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. Bd. 6. S. 295-309.

Myrttinen, Henri; Naujoks, Jana; Schilling, Janpeter (2015): Gender, Natural Resources, and Peacebuilding in Kenya and Nepal. In: Peace Review. Bd. 27. Nr. 2. S. 181-187.

Schilling, Janpeter; Locham, Raphael; Weinzierl, Thomas; Vivekananda, Janani; Scheffran, Jürgen (2015): The Nexus of Oil, Conflict, and Climate Change Vulnerability of Pastoral Communities in Northwest Kenya. In: Earth System Dynamics. Bd. 6. Nr. 2. S. 703-717.


Scheffran, Jürgen; Ide, Tobias; Schilling, Janpeter (2014): Violent Climate or Climate of Violence? Concepts and Relations with Focus on Kenya and Sudan. In: The International Journal of Human Rights. Bd. 18. Nr. 3. S. 369-390.

Vivekananda, Janani; Schilling, Janpeter; Smith, Dan (2014): Climate Resilience in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Societies: Concepts and Approaches. In: Development in Practice. Bd. 24. Nr. 4. S. 487-501.

Ide, Tobias; Schilling, Janpeter; Link, Jasmin S. A.; Scheffran, Jürgen; Ngaruiya, Grace; Weinzierl, Thomas (2014): On Exposure, Vulnerability and Violence: Spatial Distribution of Risk Factors for Climate Change and Violent Conflict Across Kenya and Uganda. In: Political Geography. Bd. 43. S. 68-81.

Vivekananda, Janani; Schilling, Janpeter; Mitra, Shreya; Pandey, Nisha (2014): On Shrimp, Salt and Security: Livelihood Risks and Responses in South Bangladesh and East India. In: Environment, Development and Sustainability. Bd. 16. S. 1141-1161.

Vivekananda, Janani; Schilling, Janpeter; Smith, Dan (2014): Understanding Resilience in Climate Change and Conflict Affected Regions of Nepal. In: Geopolitics. Bd. 19. Nr. 4. S. 911-936.

Buhaug, Halvard; Nordkvelle, Jonas; Bernauer, Thomas; Böhmelt, Tobias; Brzoska, Michael; Busby, Joshua W.; Ciccone, Antonio; Fjelde, Hanne; Gartzke, Erik; Gleditsch, Nils P.; Goldstone, Jack; Hegre, Havard; Holtermann, Helge; Koubi, Vally; Link, Jasmin; Link, P. Michael; Lujala, Päivi; O’Loughlin, John; Raleigh, Clionadh; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schilling, Janpeter; Smith, Todd G.; Theisen, Ole M.; Tol, Richard; Urdal, Henrik; von Uexkull, Nina (2014): One Effect to Rule Them All? A Comment on Climate and Conflict. In: Climatic Change. Bd. 127. S. 391-397.


Schilling, Janpeter; Vivekananda, Janani; Khan, Moazzam Ali; Pandey, Nisha (2013): Vulnerability to Environmental Risks and Effects on Community Resilience in Mid-West Nepal and South-East Pakistan. In: Environment and Natural Resources Research. Bd. 3. Nr. 4. S. 27-45.

Weinzierl, Thomas; Schilling, Janpeter (2013): On Demand, Development and Dependence: A Review of Current and Future Implications of Socioeconomic Changes for Integrated Water Resource Management in the Okavango Catchment of Southern Africa. In: Land. Bd. 2. Nr. 1. S. 60-80.


Link, P. Michael; Piontek, Franziska; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schilling, Janpeter (2012): On Foes and Flows: Vulnerabilities, Adaptive Capacities and Transboundary Relations in the Nile River Basin in Times of Climate Change. In: L’Europe en Formation. Bd. 365. Nr. 3. S. 99-138.

Scheffran, Jürgen; Brzoska, Michael; Kominek, Jasmin; Link, P. Michael; Schilling, Janpeter (2012): Disentangling the Climate-Conflict Nexus: Empirical and Theoretical Assessment of Vulnerabilities and Pathways. In: Review of European Studies. Bd. 4. Nr. 5. S. 1-13.

Scheffran, Jürgen; Brzoska, Michael; Kominek, Jasmin; Link, P. Michael; Schilling, Janpeter (2012): Climate Change and Violent Conflict. In: Science. Bd. 336. Nr. 6083. S. 869-871.

Schilling, Janpeter; Opiyo, Francis EO; Scheffran, Jürgen (2012): Raiding Pastoral Livelihoods: Motives and Effects of Violent Conflict in North-Western Kenya. In: Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. Bd. 2. Nr. 25.

Schilling, Janpeter; Freier, Korbinian P.; Hertig, Elke; Scheffran, Jürgen (2012): Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation in North Africa with Focus on Morocco. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Bd. 156. S. 12-26.

Ide, Tobias; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schilling, Janpeter (2012): Führt der Klimawandel zu mehr Gewaltkonflikten?. In: Wissenschaft und Frieden. Bd. 30. Nr. 3. S. 7-9.



Schilling, Janpeter (2022): Konflikte bewältigen - Konflikte um Windkraft und Unterbringung Geflüchteter: Analyseansätze und Lösungsperspektiven für Kommunen.. In: Wolfram, Markus: Verwaltungsmanagement & Kommunalpolitik. Kissing: Weka. S. 114-138.


Schilling, Janpeter (2020): Klimawandel, Migration und Konflikte am Beispiel Ostafrika. In: Engwicht, Nina; Kukatzki, Bernhard; Pfeil, Florian; Wilhelmi, Volker: Natürliche Ressourcen, Menschenrechte und Konflikte. Rohstoffherausforderungen in einer globalisierten Welt - Unterrichtsmaterialien für die Sekundarstufe II. Onlineveröffentlichung der Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz und der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. S. 4-13.

Schilling, Janpeter; Werland, Luise (2020): Interaction Between Wind Energy, Climate Vulnerability, and Violent Conflict in Northern Kenya. In: Brzoska, Michael; Scheffran, Jürgen: Climate Change, Security Risks, and Violent Conflicts. Essays from Integrated Climate Research in Hamburg. Hamburg University Press. S. 67-81.


Schilling, Janpeter (2019): An Environment of Insecurity: The Relationship Between Environmental Change and Violent Conflict in Northwest Kenya. In: Lanicci, John M.; Murray, Elisabeth Hope; Ramsay, James D.: Environmental Security - Concepts, Challenges, and Case Studies. Boston: American Meteorological Society. S. 177-185.

Scheffran, Jürgen; Schilling, Janpeter; Link, P. Michael (2019): Climate and Conflict in Africa. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. Oxford University Press.


Schilling, Janpeter; Krause, Lisa (2018): Climate Change and Conflict in Northern Africa. In: Wohl, Ellen: Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science. New York: Oxford University Press. S. 1-22.

Schilling, Janpeter (2018): Klimakriege? Zur Rolle des Klimas in Gewaltkonflikten. In: Konopka, Torsten: Sudan und Südsudan. Paderborn: Schöningh. S. 203-214.

Schilling, Janpeter; Froese, Rebecca; Naujoks, Jana (2018): “Just Women” is not Enough: Towards a Gender-Relational Approach to Water and Peacebuilding. In: Fröhlich, Christiane; Gioli, Giovanna; Cremades, Roger; Myrttinen, Henry: Water Security Across the Gender Divide. Water Security in a New World. Cham: Springer.


Schilling, Janpeter (2017): Klimawandel, Migration und Konflikte am Beispiel Ostafrika. In: Scheffran, Jürgen: Migration und Flucht zwischen Klimawandel und Konflikten. Hamburg: Institut für Geographie der Universität Hamburg. S. 75-82.


Ide, Tobias; Link, P. Michael; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schilling, Janpeter (2016): The Climate-Conflict Nexus: Pathways, Regional Links, and Case Studies. In: Brauch, H.; Oswald Spring, Ú; Scheffran, Jürgen; Grin, J.: Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace. Cham: Springer. S. 285-304.


Schilling, Janpeter; Akuno, Moses; Scheffran, Jürgen; Weinzierl, Thomas (2014): On Raids and Relations: Climate Change, Pastoral Conflict and Adaptation in Northwestern Kenya. In: Bronkhorst, Salome; Bob, Urmilla: Conflict-Sensitive Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag. S. 241-268.


Scheffran, Jürgen; Link, P. Michael; Schilling, Janpeter (2012): Theories and Models of Climate-Security Interaction: Framework and Application to a Climate Hot Spot in North Africa. In: Scheffran, Jürgen; Brzoska, Michael; Brauch, Hans Günther; Link, P. Michael; Schilling, Janpeter: Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace. Cham: Springer. S. 91-131.

Scheffran, Jürgen; Brzoska, Michael; Brauch, Hans Günther; Link, P. Michael; Schilling, Janpeter (2012): Conclusions and Outlook: Research Results and Research Needs. In: Scheffran, Jürgen; Brzoska, Michael; Schilling, Janpeter; Brauch, Hans Günther; Link, P. Michael: Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict. Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace. Cham: Springer. S. 797-818.


Schilling, Janpeter; Scheffran, Jürgen; Link, P. Michael (2010): Climate Change and Land Use Conflicts in Northern Africa. In: Endlicher, W.; Gerstengarbe, F.-W.: Continents Under Climate Change. Halle: Nova Acta Leopoldina. S. 173-182.

Herausgeberschaften und Monographische Schriften


Silva, Leon (2020): Was treibt den Konflikt um den Tagebau Garzweiler II an? Landauer Arbeiten zur Geographie und Geographiedidaktik, Vol 3. Schilling, Janpeter: Landau: Universität Koblenz-Landau.


Kaulen, Rabea Michaele (2019): Gentrifizierung in Frankfurt am Main - Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen. Landauer Arbeiten zu Geographie und Geographiedidaktik, Vol. 2. Schilling, Janpeter: Universität Koblenz-Landau.


Schilling, Janpeter; Saulich, Christina; Engwicht, Nina (2018): Special Issue: A Local to Global Perspective on Resource Governance and Conflict. Conflict, Security and Development. Bd. 18. Nr. 6.


Scheffran, Jürgen; Brzoska, Michael; Günther, Brauch Hans; Link, P. Michael; Schilling, Janpeter (2012): Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict Challenges for Societal Stability. Berlin: Springer.



Schilling, Janpeter (2012): On Rains, Raids and Relations: A Multimethod Approach to Climate Change, Vulnerability, Adaptation and Violent Conflict in Northern Africa and Kenya. Hamburg: University of Hamburg.


Schilling, Janpeter (2009): Ansätze zur Reduzierung der Klimawirksamkeit der globalen Zivilluftfahrt. Hamburg: University of Hamburg.

Blogartikel und sonstige Publikationen


Schönhöfer, Felix; Schilling, Janpeter (2022): Ressourcenkonflikte: Die Schattenseiten der Windkraft. Basierend auf einem Interview mit Janpeter Schilling. NeuLand didgital. Das Online-Forschungsmagazin des Campus Landau. 07.03.2022..


Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter (2021): Goldbergbau im Peruanischen Amazonas – Eine Bedrohung für die Menschliche Sicherheit. Friedensakademie-Blog, 03.02.2021.

Froese, Rebecca; Pinzón, Claudia; Schönenberg, Regine; Schilling, Janpeter (2021): Local Actions Against Global Dynamics - COVID-19 as a Catalyst of Social Transformation in the South-Western Amazon. In: Dany,Charlotte; Groppe, Annalena: Peace Perspectives No. 1: Peace and the Pandemic - International Perspectives on Social Polarization and Cohesion in Times of COVID-19. S. 38-44.


Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter (2020): Umwelt und Frieden Zusammendenken: Environmental Peacebuilding als Chance für die Deutsche Friedens- und Entwicklungspolitik. PeaceLab Blog, 28.05.2020.

Schilling, Janpeter (2020): Die Bazooka heilt keine Menschen. Warum Kriegsrhetorik in Corona-Zeiten nicht nur falsch, sondern gefährlich ist. Friedensakademie-Blog. 08.04.2020.


Schilling, Janpeter; Saulich, Christina; Engwicht, Nina (2019): Von Lokal bis Global: Eine Neue Perspektive auf den Zusammenhang Zwischen Ressourcenmanagement und Konflikten. Friedensakademie-Blog. 18.01.2019.

Schilling, Janpeter (2019): Wie hängen Klimawandel, Migration und Konflikte zusammen? Evangelium und Wissenschaft 40(1), S. 29-38.


Schilling, Janpeter; Saulich, Christina; Engwicht, Nina (2018): A Local to Global Framework on Resource Governance and Conflict. Resources and Conflict Blog. 28.12.2018.


Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter; Ide, Tobias; Nash, Sarah Louise; Scheffran, Jürgen (2017): Resilience and Environmental Security in Peacebuilding. Climate-Diplomacy-Blog, 24.05.2017.


Schilling, Janpeter (2012): Dürren verschärfen die Konflikte in Kenia. Hamburger Abendblatt. 21.04.2012.


Schilling, Janpeter (2011): Communicating with Your Advisor. In: Baehr, J. (Hrsg.) How to Survive Your PhD. Hamburg, KlimaCampus, S. 6-9.


Schilling, Janpeter; Link, P. Michael; Scheffran, Jürgen (2010): Report on the International Conference "Climate Change, Social Stress and Violent Conflict", 19.-20. November 2009. Wissenschaft & Frieden 2010-1 pp. 67-68 & FONAS Newsletter 10(10), pp. 17-18.


Scheffran, Jürgen; Schilling, Janpeter (2009): Preventing Climate Conflicts: Cooperative Approaches to Facing the Security Risks of Global Warming, Global Responsibility (60), S. 1-5.

05/2024 „Gewaltige Entwicklungen: Der Norden Kenias zwischen Umwelt- und Ressourcen-konflikten“. Ringvorlesung Gewalt als Globale Herausforderung.TU Darmstadt Darmstadt

04/2024 „Hart im Wind: Der Norden Kenias zwischen Klimaschutz und Konflikten“ Zweite Landauer Klimagespräche. Landau

03/2024 „Environmental Peacebuilding, Social Structures and Communal Resistance to Gold Mining in the Manuripi Wildlife Reserve in Pando, Bolivia“ (zusammen mit Dr. Rebecca Froese), Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Darmstadt

02/2024 „Ist der Klimawandel noch zu retten?“ Science Slam. Hamburg

Experte im International Advisory Committee im Programm ‘SDG Interactions and Policy Interventions in Developing Countries’ der niederländischen Forschungsgemeinschaft
Mitglied des Vorstands des Arbeitskreis Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK)
Mitglied in Deutscher Verband für Angewandte Geographie (DVAG)
Mitglied in American Association of Geographers (AAG)
Mitglied in Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaften (DVPW)
Mitglied in International Studies Association (ISA)
Mitglied in Deutsche Gesellschaft Juniorprofessur